Convalescent Plasma and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy
1Ankara University, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Critical Care, Ankara, Turkey
J Crit Intensive Care 2020; 11(): 41-42 DOI: 10.37678/dcybd.2020.2354
Since there are no currently accepted therapies for corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-2019), worldwide search for treatment options are ongoing. Convalescent plasma therapy and mesenchymal stem cell therapy are considered as two of potential options. Convalescent plasma therapy may be recommended early during the course of severe or rapidly progressive illness, despite paucity of evidence. However, mesenchymal stem cell therapy for COVID-19 should only be considered in the context of a trial.
Keywords: SARS Virus, Treatment, Respiratory Failure, Cytokines